She boarded an old wooden dinghy and began to row ashore.
One or two lifeguards were stationed on floats, each with a small wooden dinghy or small wooden scow for getting to and from shore, and for assisting swimmers who got themselves into trouble.
He tied up the Zodiac and transferred his bags to the 10-foot wooden dinghy, jumped aboard, and rowed the 100 yards to the stone jetty, fastening off the painter with a bowline on a ringbolt.
Some wooden dinghies (especially of classic or historical form) are built using the carvel or clinker methods.
Breasthook - A roughly triangular piece of wood fitted immediately aft of the stem and between the two inwales or sheer clamps usually in a wooden dinghy.
The sailing club originated as an all-volunteer club whose members maintained boats and taught each other how to sail on wooden dinghies.
The Brightlingsea One Design is a class of wooden dinghy designed in 1927 by Robbie Stone of Stone's shipyard (now the waterside marina).
You just get out your little magnifying glass, Sergeant, and if you can find a black rubber dinghy I'll make you a present of the brown wooden dinghy, which is the only one we have on the Firecrest.
"We go nowhere," one Burmese businessman told me over drinks at a sailing club in the capital, where the wooden dinghies were cracking.
Cord's pulse quickened as he watched the man at the oars row the wooden dinghy closer to the schooner.