And the old wooden bookcases reached nearly to the ceiling.
Perhaps in response to the chime, a clerk appeared from behind a dark wooden bookcase.
Gazing down from a photograph hanging above a tall wooden bookcase is Karl Marx, his face partly obscured by a plant.
Against the common wall with the bedroom stood a wooden bookcase.
Quickly, she crouched down behind a big wooden bookcase and some heavy velvet drapes.
And I'm meeting with someone to choose books appropriate to this library," he explained, eyeing the dark wooden, built-in bookcases flanking the fireplace.
Three of the high wooden bookcases had been toppled; one had been snapped in two.
A wooden bookcase has been mounted atop a radiator and piled with cardboard files sprouting dog-eared folders.
They stared at the big, solid wooden bookcase that stretched from floor to ceiling.
The president has decorated his room with the same furniture provided to the students, using the wooden bookcases to create a bedroom distinct from a work area.