Half a mile later he came to a densely wooded tract and drove the vehicle as deep into the pines as he could.
The district contains several densely wooded tracts, the largest of which is the Ramna teak forest preserve in the north.
The trees of the wooded tracts that bordered the highway on both sides had lost all individuality and merged into a continuous shadowy mass.
The area recalls Westchester County with many wooded tracts and stone walls at roadside.
The town's topography consists of rolling hills (hence its name), open farmland and wooded tracts.
The home stands upon a wooded tract of land overlooking Pelham Bay, the once large estate surrounding it having now diminished to 3.7 acres.
"You don't expect to find wetlands up there," said Mr. James of the mostly wooded, bedrock tract.
Town officials say they hope one day to create hiking trials, bike paths, ball fields and picnic groves in the entire wooded tract.
The reservation now is a narrow, wooded tract with fewer than a dozen buildings and even fewer people.
Winding paths and trails lead through both wooded tracts.