They often go there, and the forestry company operates in that area for wood supply.
All of that area is state-owned, and none is classified as available for wood supply.
The group represents Oregon companies that depend on public land for their wood supply.
But if the smoke and heat were bad here, they would be worse upstairs, and the pirates' wood supply was limited.
Good forestry practices and improvements in devices that use firewood can improve the local wood supplies.
The South is now the nation's leading paper producer, providing nearly 60 percent of the wood supply.
The wood supply is actually a by-product from nearby sawmills that would otherwise be considered waste.
If the wood supply runs short because of severe weather conditions, the boiler is run on oil.
She added that American paper makers had an advantage in technology, chemicals and wood supplies - advantages the new free trade agreement will strengthen.
From 1581-1584, Parliament became increasingly concerned over the wood supply in the country.