Hundreds of thousands of refugees live in wood shacks with tin roofs.
In 1996, the couple paid $178,000 for a 600-square-foot wood shack, largely because they liked its location, three blocks from the beach, and the low-key artsy ambience.
He has 10 acres and a wood shack with a thatched roof.
Flimsy wood shacks, short of paint, line many streets, some of them reminiscent of Walker Evans's Depression-era photographs.
There are houses there as well, about thirty or forty proper stone buildings alongside the wood shacks the colonists build.
The Montgomery Street in San Francisco started its transformation from the street with wood shacks, warehouses and retail stores in the 1850s.
By the 1870s, more notable buildings were constructed to replace the old wood shacks and the mud flats.
The cook there prepares the barbecue out behind the little wood shack, and it's a small-enough operation to pose little bother to neighbors or the city.
St.-Jean Beach was empty except for a lone wood shack, which if my memory is correct, sold Coke and Heineken and not much else.
He was born in 1939 in a wood shack with a tin roof in Searchlight, Nev., a desert mining camp with 200 residents.