I'm told it's made of the finest wood imported from Oregon.
This program aims to develop a system to improve the traceability and ensure legality of wood being imported to Europe.
The fungus was introduced by humans through wood imported from abroad.
And the fireplace would require chemical fuel or even real wood imported via sub-orbital; a gross violation of the original design's self-sustaining aesthetic.
We make a small detour to visit Gaetan Beaudet, who is well known for the birds he carves from tupelo wood imported from Louisiana.
These rods were made of greenheart, a heavy wood imported from British Guyana.
Incorporating wood imported from Japan and bamboo cut from the Hammond's own garden, one space is covered in moss while the other is comprised of rocks and sand.
Later additions to Cape houses typically have wood imported from Europe or the East Indies, Koopmans-de Wet House having many examples.
In the sacristy is a grande armorie constructed of Jacaranda wood imported from Brazil.
This church was rebuilt with pine wood imported from Alabama.