In the past people built huts and wood houses to protect themselves from the weather.
One, the former wood house, remains true enough to its original design to be considered a contributing resource.
There were homesteads, little wood houses built on hills, one every few days.
This area has what is considered North Europe's best kept wood houses, from both the 19th and 20th century.
The last delivery of the wood houses took place in 28 January 1948.
He raced across the lawn back toward the wood house.
"It costs about $20,000 to elevate a wood house three to five feet."
She was in a fairly barren field, beyond which were what looked like small stone and wood houses.
A building inspector had been in the three-story wood house five months before the fire and reported no safety violations.
The family was poor, being forced to live in wood houses, without telephone or refrigerator.