The common denominator in wood decking, whether it's treated pine, redwood or cedar, is the need for regular care and maintenance.
Most of the wood decking within the fort had gone up in flames while one powder magazine caved in, killing six Confederates in the process.
The roof is supported by steel trusses supporting wood decking.
Even though it will cost more, that is the only way the roofer will be able to inspect the wood decking to see if repairs are needed.
On May 14, the bridge was closed entirely to replace the existing wood decking and asphalt with steel decking and concrete.
The backyard deck you built several years ago was finished with wood decking.
Capped composite decking is more expensive than both normal composite decking and wood decking.
It was a recreation area, with games painted on the wood decking, canvas chairs stacked by the bulkhead, a few tables under umbrellas.
The nails must pierce the roofing and enter the wood decking underneath.