They are wondrous creatures, all of them, so complex and feeling and alive.
I am a wondrous creature for women in expectation, a service for neighbors.
He put aside everything for this wondrous creature and what she was giving him.
She's been wanting to see one of these wondrous creatures since she arrived.
Sacred sites tell us that we are wondrous creatures who should be doing wondrous works.
Here there were no earthquakes, only an abundance of deer, elk and all the other wondrous creatures of nature.
Step by step, feeling ungainly and graceless in the presence of such wondrous creatures, Kevla continued to approach.
With that, the wondrous creature turned and walked down a trail into the woods.
He lovedConstance with all his heart, and never ceased to be amazed that such a wondrous creature should love him.
The children hung back, staring raptly at the wondrous creature on their kitchen table; very few humans had actually seen one in person.