Those wonderfully powerful steam engines belching out smoke as they literally trembled on their way, the fair men hanging on to all sorts of vantage points as they progressed towards their goal.
With luck, those wonderfully powerful phaser systems would survive the action, along with the remarkable vanishing device, and he could still salvage this whole operation, right under the first director's nose.
In his review in The New York Times, Clive Barnes said it was "a wonderfully powerful melodrama that will thrill audiences for a long time to come."
With his legs he'd soon lose his wonderfully powerful and skilled body.
Colonel Mann donated a wonderfully powerful radio transmitter which Michael and I have installed.
Those dreaded Russian tanks were wonderfully powerful and speedy, and it was only with our new types, such as Tigers and Panthers, that we dared accept their challenge.
They were both wonderfully powerful, but there was nothing too terribly extraordinary in their powers.
I know that I can hand it on to my children and that is a wonderfully powerful sensation.
It's a wonderfully powerful song that explains why he never left Pittsburgh.
Let her believe that I was wonderfully powerful, and paranoid.