Coyote in his man form was wonderfully easy on the eyes, and that might've had a bit of effect on his wistability.
I found it wonderfully easy to forget about the stallion over the days and weeks that followed; except when my defences were down.
The animal had a perfectly balanced, wonderfully easy action: he seemed to tick along, his legs no more than clipping the ground.
Oh, they're very fashionable among the faithful, you know, and they're also wonderfully easy pickings.
It's wonderfully easy to forget that you're at one end of a strip mall, half a mile from an Interstate highway.
Really, all we were going to do was head downtown for a bite to eat - my father is wonderfully easy to please.
Like an excursion boat, wonderfully easy to steer, a baton handle you twitched with your hand, so.
I can assure you it is wonderfully easy to acquire.
It proves wonderfully easy to raise a great crop of tomatoes this way.
The Vespa was far more stable than I had expected and wonderfully easy to run.