As a result, our cuisine is wonderfully diverse, a major factor, experts agree, in good nutrition.
Historically black colleges and universities are part of this wonderfully diverse fabric.
These are mainstays of the early summer garden, and they are wonderfully diverse.
Iraqis are a wonderfully diverse group of people who have been silenced for over 24 years, living in fear of Saddam Hussein and his regime.
Guerra also stated that the album was "consistently satisfying and wonderfully diverse".
The wonderfully diverse raw bar is enticing, and the menu has so many seductive choices that decisions can be difficult.
The middle Hillsborough River is a wonderfully diverse ecosystem within the larger urban area surrounding it.
The alternate arrangements are wonderfully diverse and include one played on the sitar and another done boogie-woogie style.
The views across the ocean are breathtaking and the fauna and flora wonderfully diverse.
California has always been a haven for creative minds and this is reflected in its wonderfully diverse cultural and artistic offerings.