"Don McGiverin had a wonderful rapport with everybody," she fondly remembered, "but lie kept getting further and further away from the action."
I didn't need to perm my hair to make me feel more princely, and I felt a wonderful rapport from the audience.
Brown has spoken about the "wonderful rapport" she had with Gretchen Franklin who played Ethel.
Their son Dylan, who is twelve, lives with her but there are no custody conflicts and they have a wonderful rapport.
She had a wonderful rapport with them I never saw in anyone else.
There is a wonderful rapport between the deaf people from both North and South which the troubles or the language barrier have never spoiled.
"But he had a wonderful rapport with the people in the neighborhood, and I sense it as a very community-oriented exercise."
You have such wonderful rapport with them, Rayford.
No conductor of our time enjoys such wonderful rapport with himself as Mr. Bernstein.
The kids have a wonderful rapport with her, and that makes all the difference.