It is wonderful location to walk along the waterfront and observe local life in Shanghai.
We stayed there this year, wonderful location, run by a great couple, lovely rooms, about 70€ per night, including breakfast.
As you yourself just indicated- this is a wonderful location for keeping an eye on things.
"It's a wonderful location and I'm in brand new space with a lot of upgrades."
We have a booming economy, we're geographically in a wonderful location, and that adds to demand.
The stunning gardens with river views make it a wonderful location to get married.
The wonderful location of the temple is a major reason for this.
I find it hard to believe there isn't someone interested in running a restaurant at such a wonderful location.
Marianne murmured it was certainly a wonderful location, only a few blocks from campus.
There is already a wonderful location for a new science centre to be developed.