I had in store a number of wonderful anecdotes and could put them into focus, but I had difficulty starting the novel in straight English.
But for its full significance, and a rather more liberating version of it, we might recall Wilde's wonderful anecdote about Narcissus and the river as related by Gide:
There's a wonderful anecdote from Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Most Excellent Painters about the time Michelangelo first met Titian.
Within the amount of space allotted to her she certainly covered a lot of ground and came up with some wonderful anecdotes and advice.
This seemed a wonderful anecdote.
There are also wonderful anecdotes.
Frank McClintock's recollections of always feeling cold and the old Wembley tunnel are wonderful anecdotes.
For instance, there is a wonderful anecdote about the F.B.I.'s taking delivery of a skull believed to be that of Osama bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri.
For example, it contains a wonderful anecdote about Kim's obsession with the need for factual accuracy and his belief in reporters using shoe leather.
He told me some wonderful anecdotes and stories.