She's already 5-foot-7, with a womanly shape that mortifies her and attracts the attention of men who are definitely not in the sixth grade.
Han Ch'in laughed, but his eyes were wide, staring at the baby and at the womanly shape of his half-brother.
A beauty that would be lost if she filled out to a more womanly shape?
As with oversized shoulders, this Japanese style had the effect of disguising the womanly shape.
Just a shadow of womanly shape is revealed inside an airy cocoon of fabric.
Beyond him, in the bed shadows, Torgne glimpsed movement, then a womanly shape struggling up from the bed.
And anyway, Hendricks' retro quality is not simply due to her womanly shape.
But there was more than a hint of womanly shape in the curve of her hips-and her legs were the best on the canal.
It showed her womanly shape to an extent Fitch had never seen.
He hugged her, too, felt the womanly shape of her through the uniform that masked it from the eye.