This 5-foot-2 woman who was always trying to lose weight weighed only 60 pounds when she died.
By 2002, the average women weighed 153 pounds, but said that she wanted to weight 135 pounds.
He carried her into the church, slowly and carefully, wondering how such a slender woman could weigh so heavily.
A 20-year-old woman who is 5 feet 4 inches can weigh no more than 130 pounds.
"The old woman weighs more than a side of beef," he grumbled.
One young woman in the McDonald's case is 5-foot-6 and weighs 270 pounds.
First, women generally weigh less than men do, so the same amount of alcohol is concentrated in a smaller body mass.
And if that 5-foot-4 woman weighs more than around 220?
The woman weighs half a ton, and the bedrooms are at the top of the house.
A 20-year-old woman who was 5 feet 4 could weigh no more than 130 pounds.