Even more than in most African cultures, men are supreme in Rwanda, where women toil at most of the agricultural jobs.
Some men and women toiled all their lives that others might live free and turn their hands to no task.
Beyond the tarmac, women toiled in fields while their husbands sheltered from the heat in huts and half-built houses.
Right now, women, mostly minority women, toil long hours for a minimum wage, nearly always without any benefits.
And in this group women toiled with the men.
And outside the village walls stood the fields where men and women toiled.
But the evening begins with the grim apparition of a turn-of-the-century New England mill where young women toil in sweatshop misery.
Lower-class women toiled alongside men, but the same social and legal restrictions applied to this stratum of society as well.
Throughout the long bright day the women toiled, preparing a ceremonial feast.
Soon the ugly apartment blocks had been replaced by green fields in which women toiled by hand.