She is only seen to be the face of a woman surrounded by a silver mane that appears from the sky.
Their head of a woman surrounded by grape leaves would add an Italianate note to any decor.
A 92-year-old woman, surrounded by children and grandchildren, says her family was the only one left behind in their village.
A pretty young woman, surrounded by young men, looked up from her wares and met Miles's dark eyes.
It was a crude line drawing of a plump, pleasant-faced woman surrounded by her family.
In one room an elderly Chechen woman, surrounded by her relatives, was dying.
Hercules is standing over a dying old woman, surrounded by her family.
He loped toward the young woman surrounded by the horses.
Kouwe was now alone with the woman, surrounded by the dead.
Six women, surrounded by the glow of saidar, who did not vanish.