Instead, the women in the family selected the next Tekarihoga from their male relatives.
The woman selected a gold chain worth about five louis, and the husband a pair of buckles.
"Well, the women will be selecting the perfect man to be their new master."
The woman would also select a grain, from which it was believed possible to determine the gender of the child.
The woman busied herself with a map and selected their next destination.
A young woman with a child on her hip was selecting a head of lettuce from the fresh produce bin.
Wealthy men and women who have each selected of one of the Contestants.
Strips of it were drying over a fire not far from the campsite the women had selected.
A woman in Naugatuck had selected the same combination, so they split a $3.4 million pot.
Instead they might ask the women to select from the next season's collection.