The older women scolded the exciser, who was not experienced and took more than five minutes to do her job.
You could tell from their backs that the woman was scolding her still.
That afternoon, a woman at a nearby table scolded a man: "What did you think would happen?
Behind her smile, the older woman was scolding.
At a recent hearing the slate of witnesses so frustrated one woman that she stood and loudly scolded the judge.
"Now that's enough; you go inside," the woman scolded before reporting the kiss to Alexandra's mother.
The woman took it to be the child Mary and scolded her, because she was talking to her mother.
Another time, the woman with the sick husband scolded her.
"You should have a coat on in this weather," the old woman scolded her husband.
The old woman next door scolds her husband as if he were a small child whenever he makes a mistake.