But I believe women still retire at 60, men at 65?
If the women did retire, she added, "Some decided that too much togetherness wasn't so great."
"As their children age, more and more women retire from the kitchen," she said.
A woman could retire at age fifty-five, and she was entitled to a pension.
The two women retired to the back of the kitchen and conferred for a moment.
He said that in order to meet European regulations, men and women would retire at the same time.
There are still London homes with dinner tables from which men and women retire to separate rooms.
Only then did the three women fill platters for themselves and retire to the other room to eat.
Suddenly the woman appeared to catch sight of the cab and retired swiftly down the area.
A survey recently revealed that women retire later than men, have less money, and are more worried about retirement.