Iranian, Arab, and Turkic women also migrated to China and mixed with Chinese.
Only the warriors, the younger women, and the children migrated.
Additionally, once women migrate to the US they are less likely to return to Puerto Rico than men.
Both men and women must migrate in search of work and there is little need to secure inheritance through marriage.
Often, they cannot quite recall which states the women migrated from, how many children they have, whether or not they were ever married.
Few women migrate alone, with most women following their husband once he has settled.
According to this report, "after initiation as devadasis, women migrate either to nearby towns or other far-off cities to practice prostitution" (p200).
But more and more women from these societies are migrating to developed nations.
Due to stipulations present within contract-based employment, worker families are prevented from permanently settling and as a result, women are migrating alone.