Men wrongly assume that women don't hustle like they do.
The woman hustled the kids past him, shielding them with her body, into the store and out of sight.
But the woman, not so drunk, seeing the protective Winnie, cuffed his head and hustled him away.
Blade pressed harder on the horn, relieved when the woman looked up, realized the danger, and hustled her young ones to the sidewalk.
Harper hissed when they reached the lobby and the woman hustled her son away.
The woman who's been waiting hustles her child past me to the toilet.
Men, women and children hustled along boardwalks far more crowded than Quinn remembered.
The woman hustled out of the apartment with her two children, ages 15 and 8.
The woman shot Taura a furious, frightened glower and hustled the little girl away, not toward their table but to the exit.
The woman hustled forward, quick steps bringing her beside the chaise.