The two women embark on a torrid love affair and soon fall passionately in love.
One woman, recently laid off in publishing, is embarking on a series of unpaid internships at prestigious New York restaurants.
Since that time, most women never embark on team games.
Elsewhere, Japanese women peeled off matching cinnamon warm-ups and embarked on runs from the Boulder Reservoir.
In "The Driver's Seat," published in 1970, a woman embarks on a wild search through Europe for the man who will kill her.
After that tournament, the women embark on an ambitious, and perhaps tiring, trip to Europe.
Once the woman had embarked on a train of thought, she wouldn't allow herself to be deterred for anything.
When the oil shattered, the old woman embarked on her familiar routine of blessings and prayers.
However, over the next twenty years, the women embark on careers that bring them to the heights of fame and eventual self-destruction.
From some of the most desperate corners of Afghanistan, about 45 brave women have embarked on a cause that hardly seems on Washington's powerful radar.