Everyone bowed and the women curtsied, including the Americans in the group, and the King looked pleased.
The woman in the apron curtsied again.
The women curtsied, welcomed him, and he too went inside.
Serving women in black-and-gold curtsied as she passed, but she did not respond.
The young woman curtsied, as best she could holding the tray.
The young woman Kirk had noted stepped forward and curtsied charmingly.
The old woman curtsied at their approach, and her dog drew back with a snarl.
When the pair reached them, the woman curtsied and seized Gareth's hand, pressing a kiss upon it.
Plump and somewhere in her middle years, the woman hesitated, then curtsied and addressed herself to everyone.
Everyone was silent as the woman placed it on the table and left, curtsying to her mistress.