Like her, the women adhere to tradition but crave change.
But like their male counterparts, many women crave greater opportunity.
Mostly, women crave the balanced life - and are exhausting themselves in the process.
Some women crave strange, exotic foods when they're expecting a baby, but not you.
And she knew it was just a matter of time before women craved treatment from major corporations commensurate with their spending clout.
Studies have shown that very few pregnant women crave alcohol, which is a cause of fetal malformations.
The woman craved bodily contact like no one else he'd ever met, as if she'd been denied it most of her life.
"In many cases, the women really craved children, but it was a trade-off they made."
Men and women crave each other, 16 id!
"Not always a position a woman craves, but it seems to suit me."