The drugstore downstairs is now a florist shop, and the two women working there conversed in Spanish.
I admit that a dead woman doesn't scream and call for help and then converse with her murderer.
There were side rooms where gentlemen could retire and drink with their allies, leaving the women to converse in the ballroom.
What would it look like, an unescorted woman conversing with cowboys on the street?
The two women standing beside her were conversing as they stared, not particularly impressed, at the eggs.
Throughout almost their entire meal the child sat quietly while the woman conversed on her cell phone.
She glanced at the lizard-man pulling her along, but he didn't seem to care that the two women were conversing.
(For example, a woman should not converse with her son-in-law.)
The women would converse with each other using rhyming song.
The woman conversed with the tall Arab.