Dramatis personae: A careful, courteous bus driver; a very senior woman bundled in a fur coat; Rudolf Cziner, who witnesses the action.
It was an old woman, bundled in woolen wrappings topped with a tattered cape of some grey fur.
A stocky woman bundled in faded woolens stands by the armless chair where a thin and pale youth slumps.
A woman bundled in the blue overcoat of a naval officer stood on the pathway between the ponds, a pretty woman, if his seventy-five-year-old eyes were focusing properly.
On Fifth Avenue, the women bundled in fur had no time for window-shopping.
A portly woman on the factory steps, smartly bundled, murmured that she would.
And very old women, bundled in bulky coats and kerchiefs, who sat by the coffin and said "Hail Marys."
Aluminum glinted dully as the front screen door opened and an old woman bundled in a black coat emerged, then paused to speak to someone inside.
I saw Jewish women and children being bundled into transportation to be deported.
He had watched Jeopardy's high-born women being bundled into an open cart.