When I asked Ms. Ford if the women ever bemoaned their Jackson Pollock complexions, she laughed and said, "I don't think the models have a problem with their freckles."
One woman, in a bikini and high heels, bemoaned the uncertainty of her 10-to-6 job.
While other women bemoan their lost youth, she considers her 50's to be her prime.
The young woman was bemoaning the lack of a social life and told her friend that she was reduced to going out to dinner with her parents on Saturday night.
In the second scene the woman bemoans her fate.
As the Bay Ridge Church Ladies league finished its games, a dozen women with cotton-white hair bemoaned the news that the bowling alley was going to be turned into a parking garage.
While such events usually have a festive air, Ms. Backstrom said, the woman bemoaned the fact that her options amounted to far less than expected.
Unlike childhood, the woman bemoans that their relationship is real life, and not just "kid stuff."
Some Italian women bemoan such materialism among a whole generation that grew to adulthood in the boom years of the 1980's.