One centered on how women balance their lives and careers.
It broke Don's heart to see her walking like an old woman, one step at a time, balancing the plate in one hand.
Her departure from the show garnered headlines, as a national debate started to take place about whether women could balance both family and career.
The woman smiled again, and disappeared, balancing the bottle easily in one hand.
Among Moroccan American families, many women work outside the home and balance their career with family obligations.
An attractive woman had balanced a large Lanvin bag against her table leg.
The woman was gripping some sort of wooden frame in her teeth and balancing on that.
A woman with a portable radio balanced on her head playing rock 'n' roll music as she dances along.
- Panelists discuss how women with careers in politics can best balance their work and personal lives.
In one dance, a woman balanced a sword on her head.