Diego left the women behind some shrubs, armed with the pistol, which Isabel had learned to use, to scout out those distant signs of life.
The women, armed with smuggled weapons, explosives and bottles of acid, were joined by male inmates.
A woman armed with a fork joined in the fun.
Michonne is introduced as a mysterious woman armed with a katana.
At the village gate were several women garbed and armed similarly to his captors.
An old woman, armed with a Sound Guide, became quite excited and pulled at the arm of another.
"There is that variety of woman best armed when least attired," she pointed out.
Up at the trap range, 15 men and a woman armed with 12-gauge shotguns take turns shooting in groups of five and six.
The benches are typically filled by old women armed with multicolored umbrellas, which they use to protect themselves from the sun.
Bearing down on him from around the sofa came the woman in the denim dress, armed with a resolute smile.