The wolves drew back in fear, teeth bared.
Before his eyes closed the wolves had drawn too near for safety.
Drawn to the Suburbs People long ago wiped out the wolves and other predators that kept deer populations in check.
Ayla knew the wolf would draw attention and bent down to reassure him with strokes and words of comfort.
Immediately, the wolf holding Taran relaxed his jaws and drew away, as obediently as a dog.
The wolf drew her close, shifting her into a comfortable mental hold, and then pushed them out and down to the left.
Smith said: "The wolf I drew in the 90's, the stars and bird last year.
But he did not relish the thought of another minute on the freezing road with the wolves constantly drawing nearer.
Wearily Kul rose to his feet and took up his sword, and for a space the wolves drew back.