Chief among the network worries right now is the woeful performance by every network - except Fox Broadcasting - early on Saturday night.
They were blown out only twice, and even with their woeful performance against the Ravens, they were in contention until the closing minutes.
Jason Kidd guarded Bryant for most of the game, and his defense gave him something to smile about, despite another woeful offensive performance.
That is a woeful overall performance, though to be fair, there are a few bright spots.
The mistake was even harder for Womack to accept because of his woeful performance at the plate.
The Chicago Cubs have borne the brunt of Jackson's woeful performance.
That the players have kept there spirits up despite some frankly woeful performances from all of them is why a result like this has been coming.
He really liked the notion that the format would essentially be all audition, complete with a lot of really woeful early performances.
That woeful performance damaged "Deadline," which fared reasonably well in its first try then fell back on Monday.
Bronson Arroyo knew that he was being removed from the game in the fourth inning after a woeful performance.