When he sees the woeful condition of the maple, he too wonders what happened to the trimmer the city was supposed to send.
For God's sake, your Holiness, do not leave me in such a woeful condition!
Although larger buildings were provided in 1904, the woeful conditions of the school were still present for several decades.
My shoes were by this time in a woeful condition.
Another woeful condition for mascots is that children half their size feel free to pummel them straight on, a prospect almost too painful to type.
Some still exist, usually in woeful condition.
The Grey Cup game was dominated by the woeful condition of the field with the turf coming away in chunks.
Given woeful economic conditions, the fact that state officials raised the projected revenue shortfalls was not altogether surprising, analysts said.
Not the least, he explained, was the woeful condition of his musicians' instruments.
In another voice, calm yet impassioned, he asks the gods to witness his woeful condition.