"His h-head is up," she said in a wobbly voice.
With a wobbly voice similar to Tom Verlaine's, Supernova's bassist, known only as Art, sang about Oreos and drool.
'But,' said Darcy, his voice wobbly, 'will that stop him?'
Enrico di Giuseppe displayed a frayed, wobbly and tonally insecure voice as Corrado, though he sang with appealing gusto.
"I would like to describe the plan for today," she said in a wobbly voice, while she was still approaching the rest of the group.
"If it's anything like your 'Cajun Knight,' I'll pass," she said in an embarrassingly wobbly voice.
She makes statements, in a bruised, wobbly voice, like, "I'm missing," and you sort of have to agree.
His voice, wobbly and stuffy from tears, joined theirs.
"You--" she said, her voice weak and wobbly.
A few answers would be helpful, I say in a wobbly voice.