In a generous and witty speech, the Prime Minister celebrated her courage.
That night, Gov. Mario Cuomo was making a witty speech.
The Sadigura Rebbe was widely known and respected for his wisdom, intellect, and witty speech.
As the serious eating got under way, Collopy, flanked by his young wife, mounted the podium and gave a short, witty speech.
In an impassioned and often witty speech, Sister Helen traced her evolution from contemplative nun uninvolved with social issues to crusader.
Even witty speeches need to be varied, though.
I have noted, that some witty and sharp speeches, which have fallen from princes, have given fire to seditions.
Yes, the right honourable gentleman made a very witty, funny speech, but it summed up his leadership: good jokes, lousy judgment.
The entertainment is the pleasure of reminiscing with one's friends and making a couple of witty speeches.
He will also be remembered for his enthusiastic team talks and witty speeches.