The drawing's title is a witty reference to the Long March (the 1934 military event that cemented Mao's political authority).
There is a running gag in the books about the slogans on Susheela's T-shirts, which make witty reference to her ample bosom.
The modest Gregory tried to laugh off the misses as "the Bermuda Triangle of darts", a witty reference to the positions of the doubles on the board.
For example, the Song of the Chimney Sweepers (or Canzona de' spazzacamini) has a number of witty references:
Kim is Ms. Gordimer's witty reference to Kipling's famous tale of colonial life.
Mr. Gilllespie's beloved Bugs Bunny tales, for instance, are expertly animated with masterly writing and witty cultural references.
I say ha ha because I knew you would appreciate my witty reference to DNA since you have written about it before.
They're interesting pictures, not just for their emotional currents, but also for their witty references to art history (Rodin's "Thinker," for example) and classical myth.
"I carried a watermelon," I wanted to say, in witty reference to Baby's corny opening gambit in the film, but I felt suddenly self-conscious and swallowed back the line.
He still doesn't have the smoothest flow, but he compensates by overstuffing his stanzas with sharp jokes and witty references, sometimes doubling back to correct or contradict himself.