Like most rappers, he effortlessly discharges witty phrases; but he also weaves complicated, rich narratives.
The Goldfellas are a group of Georgia Tech superfans that paint their entire bodies yellow spelling out witty phrases in black letters on their chest.
Among youths, a witty phrase may be used instead, such as "this is the police", which lets the caller know (s)he's been identified already, and need not introduce him-/herself.
Mr. Hiaasen can turn a musically witty phrase, as when he has one character "pant like a pleuritic mandrill."
Theirs is "the meritocracy that dare not speak its name," he says in one of the witty phrases that glide through his narration.
A witty phrase but at odds with the facts.
Instead of chains, he prefers T-shirts with witty phrases on them.
Additionally, he frequently provides witty phrases and thoughts that he calls "mind vitamins" during broadcasts and on his blog at the official Dallas Stars website.
A talk between them and Mashadi Ibad is followed by witty phrases and humorous situations.
The object of this multiplayer game is to create witty phrases that fit randomly generated combinations of three to seven letters.