He is portrayed as straightforward and direct, but sometimes makes witty jokes with much of the humour lying in his ability to deadpan.
In the society in which she lived, such words produced the impression of a most witty joke.
His warm relationship with students and the ability to make witty jokes makes him not only a teacher but a friend, father and mentor.
"How long- " Anders smiled widely as if some witty joke amused him.
He is best known for his biting and often food related and witty jokes.
His idea of a really witty joke.
He is known for his witty jokes and dry humour.
Whereas really witty jokes of mine have been quite lost on them.
She makes up for her general lack of intelligence (or formal schooling) with witty jokes, insults and pranks on the community's various residents.
Even Wordsworth, never famous for his sense of humor, laughed at Lamb's witty jokes.