Some witnesses suggested that these shots might have been misunderstood by one of the soldiers in the Humvee.
Some witnesses to the incident suggested that the woman's husband attacked her, and blamed the fracas on the police.
Not one witness, including Ms. Lewinsky, even suggested such a thing.
Did the attackers, as some witnesses suggested, sexually moleste young women?
Several witnesses during the trial suggested that it was too dark for any hunter to have shot with confidence.
In fact, he noted, being called as a witness could suggest the opposite, since prosecutors typically avoid calling witnesses who might become targets.
Even a witness for the state suggested it was a mistake anyone could have made.
But other witnesses suggested that if price were not a consideration, replacements could be fabricated in a few weeks.
Some witnesses suggested that the man might have died from the beating.
"Recognize low-income people as potential entrepreneurs," suggested one witness at a recent hearing.