Students also witnessed the shooting death last year of a man outside Roosevelt Elementary School.
The end game we are witnessing of the Euro was always predicted.
There he was, the man people will always call governor, witnessing the swearing in of a top female public official inside the State House.
The general manager witnessed a little of both at Nassau Coliseum tonight.
Furthen-nore, there is probable cause to suspect that you were present and witnessed all or part of that slaughter.
During his service as a mayor the city witnessed major development of infrastructure and of social, cultural and medicine institutions.
After they'd eaten, they witnessed the training of new recruits and of more experienced men.
He'll be witnessing it, of course, but from his office.
The starlet gets surprised and shocked after witnessing so much of wealth with him in cash.
The 1970s witnessed a second, decade of urban renewal in downtown Sioux City.