They called a witness named Mary Foy.
Pericles' enemies also found a false witness against Phidias, named Menon.
Marlo was up for a murder charge but escaped conviction by killing a witness named Pooh-Bear despite Holley's efforts to protect him.
He's released five years later when a witness named Delong appears and provides an alibi.
Smith was suspended from duty and charged with Louise's murder after being identified as the driver of the vehicle by a witness named Caplin.
Nor are any of Rodriguez' claimed 14 corroborating witnesses named or quoted, though the Complaint quotes dozens of others.
In one case, Agence France-Presse quoted a witness named Marina who said she had seen a female suicide bomber trying to kill police officers.
He gets confirmation that Omar was present from a witness named Bruiser.
And Oregon's discovery rules are clear: I can call any witness named by the State without having to declare my intention to do so ahead of time.
A witness named Charles Burke placed Conlon at a London hostel, but his evidence was not presented at trial.