She said the clapping sound that witnesses identified as slapping was actually clapping to the beat of the music when she tried to get the girl to dance.
Obviously, he also needs to depose potential witnesses identified by the House managers.
On March 28, 2013, Mark Leonard was charged with conspiring to murder the key witness against him, identified only as MD.
In police lineups yesterday, two witnesses - one of the two survivors and a woman at a bus stop - identified both suspects, law enforcement officials said.
Detective Eutsey said witnesses identified by Mr. Watson had refused to talk to him.
One witness, identified as J., was detained in 1986 after refusing to vote for a local Communist Party candidate and was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment.
When a party calls a hostile witness, an adverse party, or a witness identified with an adverse party, interrogation may be by leading questions.
Although witnesses identified Genna and Gambino and the two men were charged with murder, the case was eventually dropped due to lack of evidence.
Another witness identified for the first time, William Dunlap, had taken his wife to work in Oklahoma City on the day of the bombing.
He introduced into the record a threatening postcard that he said was received this week by the witnesses, identified as Joseph and Marie Minchella.