Other witnesses have disagreed that the President made such a decision.
The witnesses even disagreed on what the attacker was wearing.
In the course of a trial that lasted nearly two months, witnesses disagreed about the facts concerning the case and evidence was lacking.
But witnesses disagreed over the number and location of these meetings.
The witnesses disagree on key points, and many are so forgetful that they could say, with Colonel North, "My memory has been shredded."
"The witnesses disagree on several points, so this is limited to what they could agree on."
Officials and witnesses disagreed as to whether the attacks came from Iraqi or American-led forces.
He had seen her fall with his own eyes but he doubted any other witness would have disagreed with the description.
No one disputes that Robertson showed up, but witnesses disagree on just about everything else he did.
Several witnesses disagreed about whether the cow walked that day, Ms. Fong said.