Ms. Anders said four witnesses corroborated the engineer's account.
No other witness has corroborated his assertion that he was beaten.
Mrs. Dodds's family and other witnesses have corroborated her account.
(It would be difficult, for example, to find witnesses to corroborate an alibi many years after the fact.)
Merced's second witness corroborated the testimony of the Slurpee mechanic.
Henry testified that he was fishing miles away from the murder on the night of the killing, and three witnesses corroborated his testimony.
Cranston, listening idly, heard four witnesses corroborate the statements that they had already given.
Every witness in that room but one corroborated it.
"The police overreacted," she said, adding that witnesses could corroborate her accusation.
A second witness corroborated that a man had been involved in a scuffle with three men.