The little that was really said (as the man reported it) was said jestingly; and she had checked it immediately--as the witness had himself confessed.
Two important witnesses, Michael DiLeonardo and Joseph D'Angelo, both Gambino turncoats, confessed on the witness stand to murder.
The other witness confessed to the crime.
In one case, a juror told the defense attorney that the jury had voted to convict the defendant because the prosecution's key witness did not confess during cross-examination.
A few witnesses confessed.
An unrevealed witness confessed in April 2008 that one of the suspects committed the murder, attacking Tupý from behind with two knives in his hand.
But even if that witness confesses to a crime, prosecutors can still press the case using evidence other than that confession.
Ultimately the AP's fraudulent witness confessed.
During the trial, several witnesses confessed about accidents that had taken place after arguments with Johanne.
Other members of the community include Lionel Reifler and Leonard Tucker, confessed swindlers who have begun new careers as Government witnesses against former associates.