The team witnessed Frank's apparent death at the hands of crooked cops years earlier.
Ramon saw the end of the exchange and witnessed the death of his brother at the hands of Valdez.
And the coral snake which had so recently witnessed the death of its mate at the hands of Man was in no hurry.
During these periods he experienced and witnessed serious maltreatment at the hands of the staff.
While held prisoner witnessed the death of his father and many other settlers at the hands of the Lenape.
During the stunt, doctors witnessed skin breakdown at the hands and feet, and liver failure.
On October 1st, 1973, Dexter and his brother witnessed their mother's brutal murder at the hands of three drug dealers.
He plays a man whose life is changed forever by witnessing his wife's murder at the hands of thugs involved in the crystal methamphetamine trade.
As a young boy, Charlie witnessed his parents' death at the hands of a mutant (widely assumed to be Random).
Alkhawaja's daughter was also present and witnessed her father's abuse at the hands of the security forces.