Witnesses allege that five or six people died daily from starvation.
Witnesses at the scene alleged that one deputy struck him from behind with a baton as he attempted to walk away.
Another witness alleged sexual molestation by around twenty men who were believed to be escaped prisoners.
The Jehovah's Witnesses alleged that the landlords were pressured by local government officials.
What's more, several witnesses have alleged in interviews this week, some officers failed to react to specific complaints about women being mistreated and harassed.
The witness alleged that Colom's spokesman and the First Lady were part of the scheme.
Witnesses alleged that Stoudenmire approached an intoxicated Johnson asking for the jail keys.
"Witness alleges state abduction," New Age 16 May 2013.
Witnesses alleged that he had been involved in the exhuming of the victims two years later, the corpses being then thrown into the sea from a plane.