They are silvery-colored fish that have a single dorsal fin, which is soft, without spines.
Areoles may be with or without spines.
Both the body and the fins are covered with many weed-like protrusions, but other than these, the skin is smooth without dermal spines.
The shrub can reach over 2 m with stems and suculent branches without spines.
Offspring are born without developed spines, which form within a few weeks.
Carpet sharks have two dorsal fins, without spines, and a small mouth that is forward of the eyes.
A hedgehog is facing a life in captivity due to a mystery condition that has left it without spines.
The skin is entirely naked, without spines or denticles.
Sageretia lucida is a shrub and can be found with or without spines.
These silvery-colored fish have a single dorsal fin, which is soft, without spines.